Little Red + Berry’s Interview Meme!

Little Red

Shoes: Mango cheeks – Storybrooke heels (Enchantment)
Socks: The sugar garden – Frilly lace socks
Dress: Junbug – Rottkapchen (Enchantment)
Basket & Pose: Elephante poses – Little red (Enchantment)

Enchantment starts on saturday and this round is all about Little red riding hood! My pretty German-inspired dress is by Junbug at the event and comes in three cute colours, it was actually specially made to match Enfant Terrible’s wild flowers headdress and Ballerina flats as well as sort of a collaborative project, so you guys get a whole outfit from it! The poses and basket are one of the many items from one of the event’s sponsors, Elephante poses. They have a wide variety of items for sale from makeup to slink nails to poses and props! The wolf sneaking up on its unsuspecting prey in the photo below is actually a wearable mesh pet from Alchemy and is the result of another collaborative project between Nina Helix of Birdy/Alchemy and Tyr Rozenblum of Aux! Nobody is gonna mess with you with him at your side! Remember, all the items being sold at this event are exclusives, meaning they will never ever be sold again ever! So grab your basket and hood and get shopping!


I know I very rarely take part in Berry’s Memes but I’m certainly going to try to from now on. So I’m going to kick it off with Berry’s interview meme! I got my best friend Zee to interview me as well as opening up my profile so people can ask anonymous questions there if they want to! I’ll warn you now, Zee and I are as mad as a box of frogs when we’re together!

  1. Zee: So, Xanthe. Who is your Second Favourite Person in SL, because obviously the First One is Me, THE ZEE, and I come First.
    • Xanthe: WELLP. Em-Zee hamster. :3
    • Zee: That is not a person though, it’s a hamster. Sigh…this is what I have to deal with…

Do you see what I mean now? I’ll get on with the real interview hehe.

  • Zeeanyway! seriousness now. So, when and how did you start SL?
    • Xanthe: I started in SL in March 2011. I think I first got into it because I liked the idea of creating an avatar and going shopping and fashion etc. Plus is was a good way to keep in touch with my sister who also had an account, but lived away from me
  • Zee: Ah, speaking of sister in SL, this is not something most of your readers/followers know: your Dad used to SL too. XD Is he still on, and does he know he has spawned an SL Fashionista?
    • Xanthe: haha I forgot I told you about that! He tried it once after seeing it featured on The Gadget show but it didn’t really appeal to him so he doesn’t play anymore xD I might die of embarrassment if he did! he loves making fun of his daughters >.> But yes he does know. My sister talks about it all the time, she’s very proud of me haha! Even though it’s just a hobby.
  • ZeeWhen and why did you decide to blog?
    • Xanthe: I originally decided I wanted to blog when I was still very new to SL. I saw all these photos on Flickr and I didn’t know you could make outfits and write about them! But I took a very long Hiatus from SL back then and didn’t come back until May last year, that’s when I started Xantheanne’s Second Life on Tumblr. It kinda grew from there.
  • ZeeI know you have had some…not very nice messages in your blogging journey. How do you deal with them?
    • Xanthe: Not well to say the least xD I can take criticism but when people get rude or aggressive I tend to just sort of mope in a corner. I’m sure after a while I’ll just ignore them but I’m still so new to all of this, it can get a bit overwhelming sometimes. I’m just glad I have friends like *COUGH*ZEE*COUGH* I can talk to about my feelings.
  • Zeeso, from a fashionista POV. Say someone has just started SL-ing. What are the top essentials one should get, right off the bat?
    • Xanthe: New skin, new hair, new AO. There is nothing more noob-looking than avatars from 2007. Clothes can come next but really skin, hairs and AO’s should be top priority!
  • Zeeok! coolest SL experience. or experiences. so far
    • Xanthe: Coolest experience would have to be getting my first rental. Decorating my first home was a pain but I loved it so much. I’d definitely had enough of being an SL hermit. Well that’s a cool experience for me anyway. I don’t have a very exciting SLife xD
Little Red

Skin: Glam affair – Elvi
Hair: D!va – Mayumi3
Headband: Enfant Terrible – Forest flowers (Enchantment)
Wolf: Alchemy – Fenris the great wolf (Enchantment)
Corgi: Beetlebones – Corgi Puppy (The seasons story)
Choker: Enfant Terrible – Jasmyne choker (Coming soon @Fantasy gacha)

  • ZeeYou have progressed from blogging freebies in FabFree: scaling the grids for free items, doing hunts etc. to doing vendor commissions from glossy brands to getting sponsored by big brands. How was that transition? Odd? Or…?
    • Xanthe: Well X2L started out as a freebie blog. I’m a very frugal person so I don’t like spending a lot of money which is why Fabfree appealled to me. But it was definitely limiting my creativity, good freebies are few and far between. but then after I left FF, I broadened my horizons onto events, sales, discounts and now I’m getting sponsors from big brands like Finesmith and Dead Dollz! I still can’t quite believe how I’ve gotten this far in such a short amount of time!
  • Zee: What was your readers’ reaction to the transition though? From reading you to get info on freebies, to finding out you’re starting to blog more expensive stuff. Has there been any feedback on that?
    • Xanthe: I haven’t stopped blogging freebies altogether so I think that’s why there hasn’t been any complaints (yet!) they’re just a lot less frequent than they were before.
  • ZeeYour first sponsor?
    • Xanthe: Well I was first invited into the We love to blog group. Where a load of designers send out their packs but my first OFFICIAL sponsor was a store called Mmm…Kay! They made some cute hunt items that I blogged so when they saw the post I was invited to blog for them.
  • ZeePhoto-wise: how do you find the pretty locations you used for your photos?
    • Xanthe: Travel blogs! If I’m looking for a location the first place I look is Berry’s Friday finds, then I go to Cait’s blog because she goes to some great places! And then after that I have a look through the ‘Explore second life‘ flickr group. Loverdag is my favourite sim photographer!
  • Zeespeaking of favourite photographer! Who is your favourite fashion photog? Let’s make it easy by letting you name 3. I’m feeling generous today
  • ZeeTell the world your Number 1 Favourite Person, or I shall never let you leave. Make sure the answer is me though.
    • Xanthe: CLEARLY MY FAVOURITE PERSON IS ZEE ZULEICCA RESIDENT. *now put the whip down okay!?*

I also got a few questions in my Ask.FM box so I’ll answer some of those too!

Thank you so much! A lot of my inspiration comes from the items that I blog. If I have a pair of shoes that would look great in a fantasy themed outfit, I’ll try and work them in and it all kind of clicks together from there. But I’m always looking on Flickr at photos other people have done for inspiration too.

I love dressing up more than dressing down. High heels and glitter all the way!

I’m just a weirdo in general! Proud weirdoes unite!

Every time I go on holiday, I buy a post card for myself to put on the fridge! But I also put postcards that other people have written for me too.

I’ve only ever made one shape and that’s my own haha! But thank you!

Actually, yes! Turn off the adult filters on the marketplace and you’ll see what I mean haha!


Oops! Sorry Shae, I forgot to check my fanmail box before publishing. Here’s a little section just for you!

If you could have one blog wish fulfilled – what would your wish be and why? More wishes! That’s the general rule isn’t it?

Have you ever published an embarrassing mistake without realizing it until it was live and what was it? I can’t remember any specific ones but usually it’ll be something to do with autocorrect haha!

Who is your biggest blogger crush (in a bloggy way, not a weird baby having way)? I crush on Jay Tedder Murs so hard. He’s a beautiful beautiful man.

Anyway that’s it from me today! I hope you know a little more about me now. And sorry for the wall of text but I got a helluva lot of questions! Sorry if I didn’t answer yours!


Location: Whisper forest

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